You can terminate the contract before buying the car at the auction and return the deposit.
Car delivery from
Japan in 4 weeks
Payment under the contract
is 20 000 rubles
Watch your purchase
in real time
In our state professionals
of the business work
In Japan for
any period
Direct payment of expenses
to the company account in Japan
We work with all major
TC in Japan
For delivery of cars from Japan to any region of Russia
For our clients, we have developed a contract, which spelled out
a full guarantee of the quality of services
You can terminate the contract before buying the car at the auction and return the deposit.
You can pay in three ways: cash in our office, company checking account and bank card.
Before buying a car, a contract is concluded with a detailed description of the terms of the transaction, which will be legally binding in case of disagreeme.
You can specify an unlimited number of cars and tell us that you need to buy only one of them.